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【Controversy Surrounds Eastern Selection's Short Essay Prompt】——When a Prompt Becomes a Provocation

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When the Eastern Selection released their short essay Prompt for the annual writing competition, not everyone expected the uproar that would follow. What was intended to be a thought-provoking question has left many questioning the motives behind it, sparking controversy that has engulfed the entire writing community. As someone who has witnessed this controversy unfold firsthand, it’s important to shed light on what exactly went down, and why it matters.

【Controversy Surrounds Eastern Selection's Short Essay Prompt】——When a Prompt Becomes a Provocation

The Content of the Prompt

The prompt in question was brief but to the point: "Write an essay explaining why cultural diversity is important for a harmonious society." At first glance, it seemed like a harmless question, one that could be interpreted in a myriad of ways. However, as participants began delving deeper into it, suspicions began to surface.

Prompting Suspicion and Accusations

One of the concerns raised was that the prompt focused only on cultural diversity, and D-IDn't include any other factors that contribute to a harmonious society. This narrow framing of the topic gave rise to accusations of bias and insensitivity, as people pointed out that harmonious societies could also be built on other values such as economic diversity, gender equality, and social justice.

The second issue that caused uproar was the idea that an essay written around this prompt could potentially stereotype cultures and perpetuate harmful tropes. Critics argued that cultural diversity is a nuanced topic, and a prompt like this only serves to simplify it, promoting shallow thinking that has no place in a writing competition of this caliber.

When a Prompt Becomes a Provocation

The biggest controversy, however, stemmed from allegations that the prompt was actually designed to trigger and provoke participants, rather than inspire them. Some felt that the prompt was purposely created to create tension and spark heated debates, leading to stronger writing pieces. This accusation led to widespread outrage, with many writing heavy articles on social media, and even petitioning for the prompt to be completely scrapped from the competition.

Why This Matters

All in all, this incident underscores the importance of careful consideration and foresight when it comes to writing prompts. While prompts can be a powerful creative tool, they can also have unintended consequences if they’re not properly thought through. Additionally, the incident highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity and awareness, and how easy it is to cause offense or harm without even knowingly doing so. As writers, it's our responsibility to be mindful of the impact our words can have, and to take great care when crafting prompts that will guide others in their own writing journeys.

This controversy is a valuable lesson for all of us, and we hope that it will serve as a reminder to pay attention to the subtle nuances at play in our writing, as well as the importance of listening to and honoring the diverse perspectives that exist around us.


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